Python Soap Client 샘플

Overview : A simple example that retrieves flight availability information using the Travelport Universal API (UAPI) in Python:

This is a basic example to demonstrate the request and response structure. You’ll need to replace Your Base64 encoded username:password with your actual Travelport UAPI credentials encoded in Base64.

The 'Accept': 'gzip,deflate' header in an HTTP request is used to specify the preferred response format for the content being requested. The header is used to indicate to the server what encoding format the client would like the response to be in.

The values gzip and deflate indicate that the client would like the server to compress the response content using the Gzip or Deflate compression algorithms, respectively. The server may choose to compress the content or return it uncompressed, depending on its capabilities and the availability of the specified compression algorithms.

In the context of a Travelport UAPI request, the 'Accept': 'gzip,deflate' header can be used to indicate that the client would like the response content to be compressed, potentially resulting in faster response times and reduced network traffic.